Match Making

In Indian astrology, the qualities of a boy and a girl and a Kundali and Gun Milan are matched for a successful marriage.
It is matched based on 36 properties by looking at the horoscope. It is believed that the more qualities one gets, the better the pair becomes. There is a belief in Indian society that there is a possibility of marriage breaking up without horoscope matching.
There is no scientific evidence of astrological facts, but on the basis of years of experience, astrologers consider Kundali Matching to be very essential for a successful marriage.
Under Vedic practice, astrologers contact the scribes. Under the Vedic system, Jyotish Shastra is a centuries-old birthplace matching or Kundasali matching system under which marks are given for different descriptions considering the position of the lunar planet in both the horoscopes.

The number of these descriptions is eight and their names are:

Characters, Year, Star, Vagina, Planet Friendship, count, Bhakoot, Pulse

Each of the above descriptions has its own significance and has its own points as its numerals. Each addition is 36 and according to traditional astrology, matching is not considered good if it scores less than 18.
If you are thinking of getting married too, then definitely mix your coils. For information regarding horoscope matching, or any other astrological advice, you can get it by calling our organization number or by sending us your details.

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